Most of our guests contact us to organise team building activities which can assure afterwards increased performance.
Unfortunately there is no one solution that fits everybody – however we identified 7 key basics that will ensure your team building experience will provide increased motivation and collaboration.

Deep learning. Engage with participants on an emotional level, let them not just think what they should do, but rather how they should feel. Design your activities focusing on deep learning, in which people examine new facts and ideas critically, tie them into existing cognitive structures and make numerous links between ideas. On surface learning people accept new facts and ideas uncritically and attempt to store them as isolated, unconnected items.
Stop working. Funny enough in the perfect team building event, people must feel that they left their work in the office. It shouldn’t be another excuse to get people together to somehow address office issues in another setting. Don´t be afraid to plan your team building experience during week days, nobody wants to work on the weekends, even if that work includes play. Team building events should foster community feelings!
Leave the usual settings. A simple way to boost motivation and increase energy is to get your team away from the usual settings they are used to. However consider everyone in planning the location. Don’t book a sailing challenge if somebody can’t swim or plan it when half of them are on vacation. Choose a time and activity (or a range of different activities) that’s right for everyone.
Invite family. Inviting family members to a team building activity may be a simple way to make everyone feel more relaxed, have more fun, and get more connected.
Mix it up. Challenge the team by mixing them between people they don’t know. Let them interact and leave their usual comfort zone.
Simulate it. Come up with dynamics, games, insights or rewards that people can easily relate to real life examples.
Follow through. Close the team building event with a feedback session. Make each person identify actions that will be implemented at work, even better if they commit to follow up on these among themselves.

At Barcelona Ambassadors we strive to address our guests needs in tailor made fashion. It is deep in our mind and heart to make your experience with us, unique and unforgettable.